Appointment details

Lovell Drugs Brock St
166 Brock Street in Hotel Dieu Hospital
Kingston ON   K7L 5G2
(613) 546-8359

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Message from your pharmacy

**Weekend Availability Nov 10 and 16 for COVID and Flu shots**

COVID and Flu Shots appointments are available to book. They should be booked separately.

When booking, all family members are welcome to come together if appointments are booked **on the same day but at different times**. Longer wait times may apply.

Appointment details

Lovell Drugs Brock St
166 Brock Street in Hotel Dieu Hospital
Kingston ON   K7L 5G2
(613) 546-8359
Message from your pharmacy

**Weekend Availability Nov 10 and 16 for COVID and Flu shots**

COVID and Flu Shots appointments are available to book. They should be booked separately.

When booking, all family members are welcome to come together if appointments are booked **on the same day but at different times**. Longer wait times may apply.